GEMSTONE BEADING | Art & Poptart Night at Sevigny Studio PDX

GEMSTONE BEADING | Art & Poptart Night at Sevigny Studio PDX

A big THANK YOU to everyone who attended our Third Thursday "Gemstone Beading" Art Night at Sevigny Studio PDX!

At our gemstone beading night we explored the holistic properties of various stones, as well as the importance of each chakra color and placement. It was a night of inner exploration and outer accessorization!

We started by picking out the gemstones and beads, finding the colors, shapes, and styles that attracted each person's attention. 

With some colors picked, we began laying out patterns, measuring for size, and allowing the designs to gradually take shape. 
The event was led by one of our artists here at Sevigny Studio, and she guided all participants in understanding how gemstones can amplify our energy. By aligning these properties with our personal goals and dreams, the jewelry we create becomes a supportive catalyst for achieving them.
Alongside providing a wide array of beads and a creative workspace, technical assistance was also offered. The intricate task of wiring clasps, requiring precise hand-eye coordination, was expertly handled by the event's teacher for all participants.
What's always so interesting about these creative art nights, is that each person comes up with something totally unique and new. Everyone was encouraged to follow their curiosity and to simply enjoy the meditative experience of gemstone beading.

The evening was a wonderful mix of creative expression and quality conversation.


And, a special thanks to our friend Nicole, the creator of "Psnaques," who shared her delicious and freshly homemade poptarts.


Come join us for our next Third Thursday art event!
Check out all upcoming events here.
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